Circle of Awareness: A Tea Meditation (1-on 1 virtual OR in person)
Circle of Awareness: A Tea Meditation (1-on 1 virtual OR in person)
*Pricing reflects the cost of one persons joining a virtual tea meditation via zoom or in person once approved. Group in-person tea meditations are of a different cost. You MUST have one of the Live While Living by Aviana tea blends in order to do this meditation. If you don't, the tea blends are posted on the home page.
Overview: This guided meditation calls for its participants to be seated in a circle, to slow down, surrender to stillness and allow for quiet time while enjoying a cup of healing organic herbal tea. The objective of this meditation is to explore how to heal ourselves with herbs by deeply engaging in a moment of mind, body and spirit awareness. Participants will tap into the healing and spiritual properties of the herbs used in the selected tea blend and observe where in our own body that the tea makes most use for us naturally. We will use the power of intention to direct these properties to where in our body that we need it the most, both physically and spiritually. We are to observe and reflect on how our minds and bodies feel before we drink the tea and after. There is an option to add sound at the end of this meditation, either with singing bowls and/or soothing vocal and acoustic guitar performance. All participants will be provided with cups and tea by me.